Usage of Minseo (Also referred to as the bot) requires the collection and storage of some user data (Refered to as "data" or "user data"). Using the bot is considered consent to the collection and storage of this data. We take your privacy seriously and you can read more about how we handle your data below. We will comply with the Discord ToS and any other applicable laws, such as GDPR.
Data about which cards you have and you progression the bot is required to operate the bot. This
information includes: Your discord user-id, you in-game stats (E.g. how much virtual money or seeds you have), which "items" you
have, which "cards" you have.
If you make use of the AI chat feature, the bot stores you last messages along with the bot's responses
so that the bot can follow the conversation you are having. This applies only when you are actively
chatting with the the bot using the commands to do so, and not other messages.
Images that you have uploaded to the bot by making your own cards are stored by the bot in order to
ensure that the bot can send the image back to you when you request it.
The bot can log the usage of commands and other interactions, such as button presses, to ensure that the
bot is working as intended and to prevent abuse. Additionally, it can log trades and other interactions with other users, exclusively through the bots commands. This is to prevent fraud, abuse and harrassment.
Minseo does not read or log your messages, and does not store any excess data about you.
The data is only accessible to the developer(s) of the bot, and is not shared with any any third parties unless legally required, or required to comply with terms of the Discord ToS. The data is only used to operate the bot, preventing abuse of the service and developement.
You have a right to at any time request a copy of the data stored about you. You also have a right to request the deletion of the data stored about you. Please see the contact section at the bottom of this page.
The data is stored in a databse file, which in turn is stored on an excrypted disk to ensure your
privacy. Images for user-made cards are store on the local encrypted drive and is not avalible on the
web. This data is currently stored in a datacenter in Finland. Off-site backups may also be stored, also
and stored in a secure format.
The data as well as the operation of the bot is secured to prevent unauthorized access to the best of
ability, but we cannot accept legal liability for any unauthorized access to the data.
In the case of unauthorized access to the data, the developer will notify users as soon as possible
The bot uses a machine learning algorithm to analyze the messages you send in the chat feature to prevent abuse and NSFW content. Such data may be processed by third party services such as openAI. The data does not include your personal information and is only sent to the third party services for processing. The data is not stored by the third party services and is only used to analyze the messages you send to the bot. Additionally, the bot can be used by server owners to moderate their servers. The bot can be configured to automatically log messages that are deemed to be NSFW, and can be configured to automatically delete messages that are deemed to be NSFW. This feature is opt-in and only logs the messages in the specific discord server, they are not shard with the bot developer(s).
Users under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the bot as per the Discord ToS. We will not knowingly collect data from user under the age of 13. If a user under the age of 13 is found to be using the bot, the data will be deleted as soon as possible and the user will be reported to Discord as well.
If you have any concerns about privacy or the security of your data, requests for you data, requests of deletion or other questions please contact us in the support server by opening a ticket or by email at Pokascards [AT] gmail [DOT] com . Also see the Discord Terms of Service for more information.